Entry Hints & Tips
If you're looking to enter the Frontier Awards, there are a few things that can help increase your chances of success. Take a look below for six top entry tips to ensure you're standing out form the competition!

1. The Frontier Awards have multiple categories for retailers, suppliers and some that are open to all areas of the industry. Make sure you understand the purpose and criteria for each award so you can enter those relevant to your business.

2. The judges are looking for compelling stories that demonstrate innovation and excellence. Ensure your entry tells a story that is clear, concise, and engaging. Highlight the unique features of your product or campaign and explain how it stands out from the competition.

3. Don't just tell the judges about your great product or campaign; provide evidence to back up your entry. This could be in the form of performance statistics, customer feedback or testimonials. Use data to show the impact of your product or campaign.

5. You may enter as many separate award categories as you wish. It is also fine to make multiple entries to the same category, provided there is genuine differentiation in your entries.

4. The Frontier Awards are all about innovation, so don't be afraid to be creative in your entry. Use visuals, videos, or other media to showcase your product or campaign. Think outside the box and show the judges something they haven't seen before.

6. Make sure you read and follow the guidelines for entering the awards. This includes formatting requirements, word limits, and deadlines. Failure to follow the guidelines could result in your entry being disqualified.